
From CAA Task Force on Digital Art and Architectural History Wiki
Revision as of 10:54, 19 January 2015 by AWhiteside (Talk | contribs)

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  • Are there students and faculty in your department who are utilizing digital systems for their research?
  • If so, please describe the content and technology utilized.
    • What support does your institution offer for development of digital research projects? Doe you have support from Academic Technology or Educational Technology? The Library?
    • Where do you find expertise such as programmers, web developers, and other technologists to work with?
  • Is your department or school prepared to evaluate digital research projects for promotion?
  • If so, how would you approach the evaluation?
  • Does your institution have faculty members with expertise in digital humanities projects?
  • Is it necessary for the student or faculty member being evaluated to call in an expert in digital media and an expert in their sub discipline to evaluate a digital research project?
  • If so, how are these individuals identified?
  • What categories of criteria should be addressed for all digital research projects? How do you define each category?
  • Does your institution require a student or faculty member to prepare a written description of their digital research project before being reviewed for promotion or tenure?
  • Does your institution have a working definition of digital humanities? digital art history?
  • Does your institution have clear standards for evaluating applied versus basic research in the digital humanities? Are these terms that are familiar to you?
  • How are collaborative projects more generally evaluated within your department (e.g., work on an exhibition, co-editing an anthology, etc.)? Do you have specific guidelines in your personnel bylaws for this?
  • Do you think digital art history is the same as art history? if not, what elements of digital humanities work do you see as distinctive, especially in regards to evaluating their quality or impact?