Definition of Terms

From CAA Task Force on Digital Art and Architectural History Wiki
Revision as of 10:46, 13 January 2015 by PJaskot (Talk | contribs)

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Task Force
Group of individuals assigned a specific task to complete
A website that allows visitors to make changes, contributions, or corrections
Applied Research
Digital Art History research that takes preexisting digital tools or methods (e.g., GIS) and applies them to art historical problems with little to no change to the digital tool itself
Basic Research
Digital Art History research that combines both art historical problems and methods with computational problems and methods, including significant programming, coding or the development of other technologies
Digital Art History
Research focused on significant art historical problems which include digital methods and tools that are integral to the argument. Digital art history may be basic or applied research. This may included, but is not limited to: visualizations relying on digital technologies, including 3-D modeling and mapping; research designed for and presented in born-digital platforms; computational methods employed for art historical research (e.g., corpus linguistics); statistical or other digital exploration of big data; production of a digital archive or other online art historical resource; etc.
Collaborative Research
any art historical research that involves more than one scholar who has contributed in a significant capacity to the development, content or digital presentation of the scholarship. Collaborators should be acknowledged specifically either in the author byline, in the first footnote or in a similar appropriate site. Collaborators should also be listed according to their contribution, if their contribution is not otherwise clear.
process indicates the intellectual give and take that occurs in the formation of a final argument. In digital art history, process is often included separately as a "Project Narrative" that clarifies the methodological decisions and implications that led to the final work.
Project Narrative
an account of the process by which the scholar and/or her collaborators developed the final argument. Project narratives must include information on the development or application of digital technologies central to the scholarship. They should also indicate the contribution of various collaborators.