DRAFT: Interview List

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CAA Digital Task force Interviews: List of Institutions and Individuals (draft only)

A.L. McMichael

March 29, 2015

DRAFT ONLY: List of institutions and individuals who will receive an invitation to participate in the Digital Task Force interview process.

Dear Digital Task Force members, Please keep in mind that the interview process is designed to be 30 interviewees at 15 institutions.

Using your contributions to the wiki and additional research, I have compiled a list of potential interviewees. For the institutions, I’ve tried to strike a balance between public/private and small/large, with a couple that are not R1. For individuals, I aimed for faculty (both junior and senior) with a range of focus areas, administrators, and a balance between art and architectural history, with some representation of DH centers and libraries.

If you have objections/concerns/feedback on the list, please do let us know. If there are names or institutions you would like to replace, please suggest a possible alternative. Also, if you know any of these potential interviewees and would be willing to help me make contact with them, please let me know.

Thank you.


Alice Lynn


Columbia University

Felicity Scott, Associate Professor of Architecture, GSAPP (Graduate School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation), Director of the Program in Critical, Curatorial and Conceptual Practices in Architecture

Stephen Murray, Professor of Medieval Art History and Director of Art Humanities

Connecticut College

Abigail Van Slyck, Dean of the Faculty and Professor of Art History

Andrea Wollensak, Director, Center for Arts and Technology

The Graduate Center, CUNY

Lev Manovich, Professor, Computer Science (data visualization courses often cross-listed with art history). Founder of the Software Studies Initiative.

Louise Lennihan, Interim Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs

Drew University

John Muccigrosso, Professor, Department of Classics, former Director of Institutional Research and Associate Dean of the College of Liberal Arts. (Archaeologist, active in DH).

Kimberly Rhodes, Associate Professor and Chair in Art History

Duke University

Caroline Bruzelius, Professor of Art History

Victoria Szabo, Associate Research Professor, Visual and Media Studies

Harvard University

Jud Harward, Director of Arts and Humanities Research Computing

Jeffrey Schnapp, Faculty Director of metaLAB, Affiliated Professor to the Department of Architecture and Professor of Romance Languages and Literature, Graduate School of Design

MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Mark Jarzombek, Professor in History and Theory of Architecture and Interim Dean, School of Architecture

Anne Whiston Spirn, Professor in Urban Planning, Chair of UG Program

Northwestern University

Jesus Escobar, Professor and Chair in Art History

Josh Honn, Digital Scholarship Librarian

NYU/ IFA (New York University)

Jonathan Hay, Deputy Director for Faculty and Administration, Professor of Fine Arts

Hilary Ballon, Professor of Urban Studies and Architecture, (active in digital publishing)

Princeton University

Beatriz Colomina, Professor of History and Theory of Architecture, Director of Graduate Studies & Director of Program in Media and Modernity, School of Architecture

Meredith Martin, Faculty Director of The Center for Digital Humanities (CDH)

Stanford University Nancy Troy, Professor in Art and Department Chair

Bissera Pentcheva, Associate Professor of Medieval Art

UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles)

Diane Favro, Professor in Architecture and Urban Design

Steven Nelson, Associate Professor of African and African American Art History

University of Iowa

Rob Bork, Professor in Art History (former chair)

Sarah Bond, Assistant Professor of Classics (emphasis on material culture and history)

University of Virginia

William Sherman, Professor of Architecture & Associate Vice President for Research, School of Architecture, (current head of P&T committee)

Bethanie Nowviskie, Director of the Scholars’ Lab and Department of Digital Research and Scholarship in the UVA Library. Distinguished Presidential Fellow for CLIR (Council on Library and Information Sciences).

University of Michigan

Susan Siegfried, Professor in History of Art and Women's Studies, (former Getty Projects Manager)

Sharon Haar, Professor & Chair of Architecture